Electric Tariff Analysis
We use proven methods to analyze costs and benefits of energy-saving technologies and other measures from the perspective of your particular business. Economic value, in particular, depends on the price of energy (electricity, gas or other fuel), which varies significantly both for different types of consumers, and for different power regions. In order to ensure that your business is receiving the greatest value from the power company, it is important to calculate prices directly from real tariffs as defined by utility companies. A large number of utility tariffs are available over the Internet, but the complexity and diversity of tariff structures presents a considerable barrier to using them in real practice.
Thomas Engineering, Inc. will identify savings opportunities within the electric market. We will work to ensure that your business is on the best tariff rate, and we will analyze your billing invoices to make sure that the business is being billed correctly. We will seek to find and identify specific opportunities to leverage your business energy use patterns. If such opportunities exist, we will work on your behalf to negotiate, directly with the power company, a better electric rate structure for your business.